Related links

logo– British Dragonfly Society
– De Vlinderstichting
Dragonflies of Ukraine
– Dragonflies of Serbia
– Dragonfly Society of Finland
– Dragonfly Society of the Americas (DSA)
– Dutch Dragonfly Association (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie, NVL)
Dutch Dragonfly Society NVL (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie).
Epitheca – Trollsländebloggen
European Congress on Odonatology (ECOO)
– Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO)
– Hokkaido Odonatological Society
The International Odonata Research Institute (IORI)
– The Japanese Society for Odonatology (in Japanese)
– Kansai Research Group of Odonatology (KRGO) (In Japanese) Società Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione delle Libellule Onlus
– Osmylus Scientific Publishers
Preliminary checklist and atlas of Armenian dragonflies
Slovene Dragonfly Society
– Société Française d’Odonatologie
Swedish Dragonfly Society (Trollsländeföreningen)
Ważki (Odonata) Polski
– Worldwide Dragonfly Association